Tuesday, May 29, 2012

.UTopia part 1

20120511 sharing party Kamas (1) edit2

It's hard to believe we’re already back from our yearly visit to Utah…. it went by way too fast. We were just so busy having fun the whole time!

Our trip began out in the country in the beautiful city of Kamas, where we stayed with my brother Seth's family for a few days. They are so much fun!

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We got to have our traditional sharing party! My brother Jordan's family and my sister Elisa came out for the weekend too! It was definitely a party.

Seth, Jordan, Elisa and I established sharing parties when we were very young. Basically everyone brings something to share with everyone else and we just play all night. We’ve loved keeping the tradition alive as adults with families too. It’s the best.

-Jordan and Jo shared chocolate milk and HUGE marshmallows for s'mores.
-Seth and Linda shared a movie on their projector with popcorn. Plus their home and all of our meals!
-Elisa shared her vegan salad.
-Aaron and I shared a fun game.
20120511 sharing party Kamas (32) edit 20120511 sharing party Kamas (39) edit

-AND all the kids shared their talent; they performed plays for us. hehe

cute kids.

The next morning we all went to Jordanelle Reservoir for a nice hike before lunch. It was so warm and sunny! Perfect day.

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It was such an awesome time, and then that night we got to have even more fun with Seth and Linda at a movie and dinner. I love my family!!!

…more to come


mommaquincy said...

I think the new generation will be just as creative as their parents! And that's saying a lot!

Mary said...

Sharing parties!? I can't believe you guys came up with that before you were parents! Let the tradition continue! And I'm glad you made it home safely. I need to send your baby a little gift which I failed to leave at Gwen's. Will you please email your address to me? Thanks! mmyang@att.net


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