Wednesday, May 11, 2011

.Mom's Day happenings

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Mother's Day was grand up here with Air's family. We went to their ward for church. During sacrament meeting the fire alarm went off and everyone had to evacuate the building... how weird is that?

Some kid most likely pulled the alarm, and then that kid was probably thrilled when they got to go play outside and see firemen for the next half hour! haha

Also, I got a chocolate bar for being a mom woman '18 and older'. Yay me!

We had dinner with the fam and talked about what we love about our mothers.

I said I'm grateful that both of my mothers have been willing to work so hard without complaining to keep our homes clean and to keep us all fed.

Air said he's grateful that his mom has been more like a friend to him than a typical mother. She showed him the type of relationship that he should have with his future wife and kids.

Then Air's Mom said some of the sweetest things ever to me (and made everyone cry). She told me she’s grateful that she can be my mother-in-law and she hopes that I feel like I can talk to her as if she were my own mom, because she feels really sorry that I can't be near mine.

My heart melted.

And then we gave them gifts

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Tickets to see Wicked!!! She was soooo surprised!

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Even though I’m not a mother yet I’m glad there’s a day for me to think of my Moms, my Grandmothers, and all of the awesome motherly people I know that have blessed my life since I can remember. Our faithful mothers are Heavenly Father’s gift to the world. They deserve at least this one day for that.

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

Very cool! I love your mother, too!


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