Today I didn't work. And what does one do when one has a day off and no car, you ask?
You stay at home mostly. Clean, work out, organize, watch a movie, call the insurance company about the new car, email, do loads of laundry, sleep... And then there's the hour that I got to go to lunch with Air and the kid he takes care of.
They came to pick me up today at noon. I selected the lunch spot... Burger King. What? We have coupons, "2-can-dine-for-$8.98" --no it does not rhyme.
In the car Air seemed extremely chipper. He's always a happy guy, but when I proceeded to tell Air about my morning. Seminary stuff mostly... some stress that I'm having about students and what not. He didn't show me his usual concern. He listened and then enthusiastically started talking about other things.
I thought this was odd. Maybe it had something to do with the kid listening in the back seat?
So we're at Burger King eating whoppers... You know what's funny about Air and me? We are completely and utterly unable to throw away our leftover food. It is unthinkable for us to ever consider throwing away those extra french fries or the last bite of a hamburger. THERE ARE STARVING CHILDREN IN AFRICA! but more importantly, if I were ever in Africa and starving, maybe I would have some leftovers to pull out of the fridge and eat. I will never have to starve ...It's pretty genius.
But what is not genius is the fact that spell-check just corrected my spelling of the word 'genious'. Wow.
Anyway, we're at Burger King and I notice the kid Air watches has something written on his arm in permanent marker. It says "HAPPY 4:20". So here's the thing: Air has to go with this kid anywhere he wants. It's his job. And yesterday he had to take him downtown because he wanted to go to the big 4:20 celebration.
Oh, you haven't heard of the big 4:20 celebration downtown? Well, either had I, until yesterday. Do you want to guess what all of the homeless people and druggies do together at 4:20 downtown on April 20th? Yeeeeaaah....
Air was acting strange, and I start to wonder if he had possibly inhaled a little too much smoke the day before and was perhaps.... dare I say.... high? buzzed? a little?
Back to BK... So then who do you think should walk in the doors there at Burger King today? LDS Missionaries!! WOO! I say "Hey Elders!"
Of course they probably don't know us. I just get excited to see them around town. There aren't as many missionaries around here as there are in Utah..... (why would that even be?)
So then we're driving away from Burger King (with my leftovers, of course) and the 4:20 thing comes up in conversation. Air says that the air (the actual air) was so full of smoke that you couldn't even breathe. Everyone was coughing like crazy, and still smoking. Retards.
I was pretty sure I had it figured out by now, so I tell Air that he's been acting a little weird... like last night he stayed up really late playing games and he couldn't focus on one thing at a time...
He denied it.
But does someone who is high ever really recognize it themselves? Does getting high usually last for more than a day?
These are questions I never thought I'd need to know ...and I think it's pretty hilarious to hear myself thinking them. And a bit sad. My poor Air bear.
Okay, so here's a really good question --Is my wonderful hubby of almost three years going to completely murderize me for posting this?
1 comment:
It does sound like he might have inhaled some serious fumes!
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