To be honest, I haven't talked about it on here because we're very very sad. Its pretty much the saddest thing yet, aside from Air being so sick. Air loves teaching more than anything and it was perfect for us to prepare our lessons together, go to seminary and teach our classes together. His students love him and miss him too.
I'll be teaching alone from now on. That's a difficult thing to know.
Life throws us curve balls and we just work through them. It can't always go how we plan or how we expect.
Well, maybe it does for some people? But it definitely hasn't for us.
Well, maybe it does for some people? But it definitely hasn't for us.
We can't complain though. We manage to be happy through whatever pathways life takes us. I love my life. So much. I'm incredibly blessed even though I can easily tell you that I didn't think I'd be where I am now at the age of (almost) 26. I'm still in a very good place at the age of (almost) 26. (Yikes! Am I really almost 26?)
There is just nothing to complain about here.
We have faith that everything happens for a reason. Most of the time that reason is unknown to us.
And I still have a feeling that things will get even better eventually. And that gives me hope. And hope gives me peace. And having peace brings me even more happiness. And having happiness is the best thing ever.
So, for now I'll just be teaching a class every day on my own, and Air will be enjoying his new calling as the ward employment and welfare specialist. He's gonna be great at it.
He's incredible at everything he does.
I am sure that the Lord has BIG plans for you two! Sometimes the refiners fire really hurts! And I'm sure that Aaron's influence will keep trickling down to those kids through you!
Sorry, that is a bummer. I have been in my calling for 3 1/2 years now and I keep getting scared they will release me, like it would be the worst thing ever! But I guess it really wouldn't. It's just hard to give up something you love. No reason he can't come "help" you on days he's feeling good right? :) You guys are in our prayers.
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