I got a funny email entitled "Lecture" from my sister {whom I love} recently.
It read:
Amber! Mom mentioned Aaron was sick on her newsletter. Why haven't you told us? I even just caught up on your blog and there was no mention of it there. We need to be praying for him, sweetie. You need to let us know. We love you too much to not be part of your suffering too.
Big Sister
Gwen, you are one of the best sisters I've got! Thank you for looking out for Air and I. We love and miss you immensely! Thank goodness we can always count on Mom to divulge things about us to each other in the newsletter, can't we? ;) I hope it's OK if I reply to your email via BLOG?
Some of you may have noticed that my hub has been very sick for a very long time.
Some of you who aren't around us a lot may not have had any idea.
Some of you same people, who see him every day, still might not have had any idea that anything was wrong at all. That would be because Air is a master of disguise. He amazes me every day with this skill.
So I guess I am obliged to just tell you whats going on...
Air is a very sick boy. He's been sick for so long I can't even give you a starting point {except for maybe on his mission}; but in the last 6 months or so he has been really sick. Really sick, as in he has hardly been able to leave the house. He gets nauseous and exhausted just walking up the stairs. His body is constantly aching and trying to throw up. He can't sleep and he can't stay awake, all at the same time. And well, there are still many more health issues that I know he wouldn't want me to share...
Anyway, I have a couple of reasons for never mentioning any of this on the blog. Here they are:
Reason #UNO is that I only like to document the happy and good things that are in our lives. When I look over my blog I only really enjoy reading memories of good times. Being reminded of how blessed our lives are and how happy we are. There are so many good things to document, I can't fathom spending my time writing bad things! That would be a waste of energy and a total downer to anyone who might stop by.
Reason #TWO is because we don't like to be negative or sound like we're complaining. We are seriously so blessed and happy, but for some reason, as soon as I say any remotely sad/negative comment people automatically assume that I am unhappy.
And reason #LASTLY, I haven't blogged about it because Air simply doesn't want anyone to know and worry about him. We don't know what's wrong with him yet and are getting tests done from a few different doctors. So far we only know that he does not have sleep apnea and his "triglyceride levels are through the roof". We really just need a really good doctor who will take this a little bit more seriously. But where can we find one who is accepting new patients?? I do not know that.
So with all of these awesome reasons for not blogging about it, you might be wondering why I am now, as we speak, blogging about it?
Simply stated, there is one reason: My sister Gwen made a very good point when she said, "We need to be praying for him". So if any of you love Aaron and me as much as my sister, could you please do us a favor and pray? Pray that he can feel better and get back to living a normal life, and work and finish school. Air and I need all of the help and support and prayers that we can get right now.
And if you do pray for Aaron, we thank you very much and love you too. If you choose not to pray for Aaron.... then I don't know, we'll probably pray for you ;)
We are so praying for you guys! Even going to throw in a fast today too.
We Quincys will be praying and fasting for Aaron and for his doctors to be able to make a correct diagnosis! We love you guys!
We keep his name on the prayer roll of the temple, too.
Your mom mentioned a little while ago that he has not been well. My kids and I have also been including him in our family prayers and personal prayers too. We sure hope you find out something. Sometimes the not knowing is the hardest.
seriously, i had no idea. he for sure is the MASTER of the masters of disguise. and you too can count me in for the prayers. i'll even make the rock say 'em too. :) love you guys!
YES! We will pray for Aaron. Thanks for sharing--bad news coming from such a faith-filled Amber doesn't make me feel down at all. We love you guys!
I'm so glad you let everyone know. We'll be praying for you.
I WISH we lived closer, so we could spend more time with you guys! And we will definitely be praying for you both...getting a great doctor is really what you need, it makes a HUGE difference if they actually want to find out what is wrong...I really hope you guys find one soon! Love you!!
That's too bad! Tell Aaron we hope he feels better soon. He'll definitely be in our prayers.
See how quick of a response you got from those that love you?? You only had to say it once and everyone immediately shows their support. Joel and I hope and pray that Aaron will get better and that you will be able to help him feel comfortable, which I know you already do. I sure hope those Dr.'s can do SOMETHING to help the Air bear. I don't know how it works in Canada but how come nobody accepts new patients?? I'm sorry that you have to be going through this but you guys are amazing for keeping your heads up. Love you so much!
He's in our prayers, Amber. I love hearing about your adventures up there. The rest of us are wimps - some more than others (ie, Eli).
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