When I'm alone in the shop I turn down the volume of the 'store music' and work in the quiet. In my thoughts.
I like it that way.
When I'm helping customers it's the most communication I have at work some days. We pick out mat colors, pick a frame, glass, talk about mounting and preservation. They pay. Done.
I go back into the shop and work.
cut glass. cut mats. cut foam core.
clean glass
mount the customer's picture
put all the parts together
step back and view the beauty of a finished product created by myself
smile, and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment
wrap it up
This process almost always goes off without a hitch for me while I'm working in my "meditation phase". I don't like a lot of distractions, so you can imagine how it is on days when I'm not alone in the shop. My coworkers are often making mistake after mistake as they work with the music blaring, talking endlessly. Mostly about things that I can't really relate to--like what happened at the club last night with their drunk boyfriend who they can't stand because blah $#&%! blah %$@#$ blah. I smile and nod... and sometimes tell them things that they find shocking.
Like that I don't drink.
Like that I don't drink.
From my observations at work so far, I find that this is how things go wrong. Frames get messed up and customers get really angry, simply because of these girls being too distracted by themselves.
Distractions are often what cause problems in my life. Maybe I'm just a horrible multi-tasker; but I can easily get distracted from doing the things that are the most important to me by doing stupid things with my time. Being with my love and taking care of him while he's been so sick lately is most important to me. Studying the gospel and meditating is important to me. Staying in touch with my family is important to me. Friendships are important to me. Sleep is important to me.
Speaking of sleep...
Very beautiful. You are important to me.
I hope that your boss realizes how well you work on your own. I didn't know Aaron has been sick! Is he better?
I so understand the distraction stuff. I like to work in my own mind, my own way, and not have too many distractions. I think reading your blog finally helped me understand why my coworkers didn't like me. Haha, they thought I was anti-social and uptight. But I was really just focused and concerned about making no mistakes and doing my job well.
Go you.
You're AMAZING. :)
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