The seminary year has come to an end. The final lesson was yesterday and this morning we had a big breakfast with all of the kids and their bishops. It's sad to say goodbye for three months, but nice at the same time.

*Air was telling me he loves me and I didn't even notice
We're having a nice long weekend before the very last week of seminary. Isn't summer awesome?
Air's little sisters Tessa and Tiana slept over last night and we had a robot dance party:
We went for a walk to the North Saskatchewan River (near the park). We threw stuff in.
And right now we're having a pizza party with the family! Yay for holiday weekends!
We went to the Tracy Aviary with my sisters Elisa and Heather (and her 3 boys Cayden, Sam and Max)
Those little boys are so funny! Sam insisted on pushing Max in the stroller the whole time until I took him out of to carry him and let him walk around. Then he lost interest.
It was a beautiful day to look at the birds!
It looks like Heather and me were both on the phone, but I was just playing with my ear or something?
Max is pointing at the pink flamingos
Family party on Mothers Day
My Mom’s favorite flowers in the world are lilacs. Always have been. Whenever I see lilacs I think of her.
It was so awesome to finally be with her on Mother’s Day again…
On our last day there we went back down to Provo to visit Jesse and Lauren again and meet newborn Claire!
We all ate the best breakfast ever at Joe’s Cafe in Orem!
Joe wanted to get a picture for the collection on his wall.
*Air’s holding something called “Slap Ya Mama”--Joe’s secret ingredient?
Jesse and Lauren are adorable with their two little girls.
Good luck in Seattle you guys!
And then we drove back to Canada in one day. Whoa, that was one long day!
We saw this craziness:
There are still so many more things we did but didn’t take pictures of… We spent a lot of time with Nichole and Joel, visited my Ellis cousins, went to my nephew Gordon's Mario birthday party, saw some movies, and hung out with my brother Seth and his wife Linda... Boy, we were so busy!
I just want to say how happy I was to hear that you guys all read my blog. I love to keep in touch with the people I love, and ever since I moved to Chicago five years ago I've wondered if anyone back home cares that I'm gone or misses me as much as I miss them. So, thanks for caring guys! I care about you too. A lot.
We still had a lot of fun though! We got to go with Niki’s family, my sister Linda and two of my cute little nephews, Ellis and Gordon!
And after looking at these pictures I’m coming to terms with the fact that I look pretty terrible when I’m squinting in sunlight. Gotta stop doing that! haha
more to come…