We got spoiled once again this year.
Josh drew my name and got me a cute yellow hoodie (above). Tara drew Air’s name and got him this sweet blue hoodie:
Another highlight gift: Tam got a snuggie from her Grandma… and loved it! haha
But like I’ve said before… my favorite thing about Christmas is seeing people’s faces when they open gifts from me!
My sister Heather and her family down in Utah… getting the gift we mailed down for them: Ker Plunk. They are so cute!
Hi guys!

Air sporting his handsome new church coat from me
Air’s Mom hugging her gift from us: a ‘rain’ shower head and socks
Tessa opening her gift from us: a power adapter for her iPod touch and jewelry
Boy oh boy, those faces make it all worthwhile don’t they!??
Later, after the usual Christmas "lounging around the house for hours playing with our new things" we went sledding! Tons of fun!
We put together this puzzle and played games for the rest of the night. Thanks for sending us the fun puzzle Mom!
Made me miss home just a little :)
I wish this day could last forever. See you next year, Christmas!
cool puzzle, we did one of the Salt Lake Temple Christmas lights and the last piece was missing!! It couldn't have anything to do with Sophie helping me with it, now could it/
hahaha are those SIX cans of mousse beside you in the 1st pic?
All I have to say is your blog is pretty awesome! You had Joel and I literally rolling with laughter! You guys are hilarious! Hahaha being late for seminary, the paper, rock scissor thing. Oh man you're silly. How fun to spend New Year's with a bunch of youth. What a neat experience. Love you ambsie!!!!!!!!!
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