I love to play the piano.
That's not to say I'm really good at it or anything. I took lessons when I was young and hated it then. I really wish I would have paid more attention. I just remember laying limp like a rag doll on the piano bench whining about it whenever I was supposed to practice. My poor mother. And poor Darla Anderson who tried to teach me.
I think I had zero ambition as a kid, but that's a whole other story.
Anyway, since I've been living here I haven't seen the light of a piano for months!! And it is really bringing me down. I need to practice again! I was just getting kinda good too (at least I think I was?) I don't want to buy some crappy little electric keyboard that sounds nothing like the lovely sound of the strings and acoustics of the real thing, although that's probably all we could fit in our apartment at present....
I think I had zero ambition as a kid, but that's a whole other story.
Anyway, since I've been living here I haven't seen the light of a piano for months!! And it is really bringing me down. I need to practice again! I was just getting kinda good too (at least I think I was?) I don't want to buy some crappy little electric keyboard that sounds nothing like the lovely sound of the strings and acoustics of the real thing, although that's probably all we could fit in our apartment at present....

I would actually like it in red, but I know that Air would probably just die if I tried. haha
I can promise you this: My kids are going to play the piano. And they better like it.
Ok ok, I'm not going to be that strict... but I definitely absolutely positively am going to try to teach my kids to enjoy playing the piano. I think that hearing my children play beautifully will bring me a lot of joy someday. And I look forward to that.
If only my grandma could still be around teaching piano lessons then.... hmmm.... that would be awesome.
I hope you get a piano soon! Its the best way to work off frustrations and playing and singing primary songs brings me really close to the spirit! Jess has a digital piano that has weighted keyes and sounds really nice. Its smaller than a regular piano, but it does kind of take up a wall. You saw it on my blog when Jonathan was playing it and Sophie was dancing, right?
I LOVE the red piano but also could not see Jarrett agreeing to one. You should look on Kijiji if you ever get serious about getting one.
Looks like my mom already commented about what I was going to say. The key is get a DIGITAL PIANO not a keyboard... big difference. And then still just play the real ones whenever you can at church. I used to sneak into the institute in college and play for hours... do you have a key to the church?
Amber, I agree totally that hearing your children play is wonderful . . . once they get good enough. Kiersten has finally reached that stage and loves to play and I enjoy listening to her. Tyler's and my first major purchase was a piano. Two months after we got married, we went to Wal-mart to buy an extension cord and came home with a piano (outdoor piano sale). I have never regretted that decision. There is something about music that brings the spirit in. I would suggest playing a lot of piano music for your kids instead of the popular stuff. My kids absolutely love Jon Schmidt and I think that has influenced their piano playing. Also, if you're excited about the piano, they will be. Practicing is something I don't negotiate on either. It's something they do along with homework and reading. Maybe I should try harder to convince Tyler to get us a baby grand and that would free up our upright. You could always paint it red :)
As a side note, I prefer a regular acoustic piano to a digital. But that is because the only digital piano I've ever played on is at our new stake center and I haven't been too impressed. I think the acoustic sounds better and feels better to play (again, this is just my opinion in comparing the one digital I've played on).
Jessica and Chris - My sister Megan has an awesome digital piano at her house that I used to play. It looks a lot like yours Jess. I liked it, but I'm pretty sure those would be too expensive for me too!!
Missy - I think you guys should definitely get a baby grand! hehehe
I'm not sure how I could get a piano across the border with our Honda... surely we'd find a way. :)
I LOVE the SA shirt you're wearing :D :D I got a great visual of you laying limp on your piano bench and laughed out loud!! Hahaha! I love your freaking guts!
Love, your buh bachole
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