Today is our 9 month and I have to say that being married to Air has been so much more than wonderful. I love that guy so much. The longer I'm with him the more I am in awe of him and his amazing spirit. How did I get so lucky to marry such a kind, caring, intelligent, handsome, hilarious man!??
--The other day we were at lunch with my friend Robyn and she suddenly interrupted me and said something like, "Wow Amber, you think REALLY highly of Aaron.". That made me laugh at myself because I realized that I am always telling people how amazing he is! Golly, I hope that doesn't get annoying to anyone who talks to me... Anyway, I'm sorry Air, but it's true! You are a wonderful man and I can't hold it in! :)
You tell me who else would be willing to teach seminary at 6:30am, go to school at 8am, go to work with autistic kids at 2pm and not get home again until 10pm every day, completely exhausted! ...and then spend time with his wife who has been at home doing practically
You tell me who else would be willing to teach seminary at 6:30am, go to school at 8am, go to work with autistic kids at 2pm and not get home again until 10pm every day, completely exhausted! ...and then spend time with his wife who has been at home doing practically
all day!!??
nobody else.
(if anyone is thinking, 'Wow, Ambs! Maybe you should get a job or something instead of hanging out alone at home all day' --believe me, I would if I could ;))

Anyway, we've been through some rough times together already as we try to take on more and more adult responsibilities; but there's nobody I would rather be spending my life with than him. There's nobody who could be more perfect for me through all of the trials that life throws at us. There's nobody who could be more patient and understanding when my imperfections and weaknesses get the best of me. He teaches me, he learns with me and he needs me. I need him too. There's a reason I call him Air, I'm pretty sure I couldn't even breathe without him.
all day!!??
nobody else.
(if anyone is thinking, 'Wow, Ambs! Maybe you should get a job or something instead of hanging out alone at home all day' --believe me, I would if I could ;))
Anyway, we've been through some rough times together already as we try to take on more and more adult responsibilities; but there's nobody I would rather be spending my life with than him. There's nobody who could be more perfect for me through all of the trials that life throws at us. There's nobody who could be more patient and understanding when my imperfections and weaknesses get the best of me. He teaches me, he learns with me and he needs me. I need him too. There's a reason I call him Air, I'm pretty sure I couldn't even breathe without him.
(who doesn't like a little public love letter now and then? ...haha)
Hunny, who's making the smoothies tonight!!??
You look like a very well matched pair! I'm glad that you get some time with him!
OH MY HECK!! That was so cute! Wow, I am so glad you have each other. You two are going to do some pretty amazing things together. I'm so lucky to call you my best friends. You're love for each other is so inspiring. Thank you for sharing that! LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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