Baby Alice has a striking resemblance to baby Ames… in fact, I often feel like I’m having deja vu when I’m holding her. Sometimes I forget to call her “her” or “she”. It’s like I am literally raising Ames over again.
But then again… Alice is very different from Ames too. Remember how Ames would refuse to drink a bottle? Alice refuses to not drink a bottle!? Meaning that I try nursing her and she usually cries and protests and then falls asleep, only to wake up a short while later crying because she’s still hungry. I’ve had to pump every few hours just to keep her fed, and to keep myself sane. I think the bottle has made her a lazy eater… it’s just so easy to let the bottle pour milk into her face, but when she’s nursing she has to really work for it. She wants it to come fast and easy.
So yeah, she takes after me.
Speaking of Alice taking after me! See if you can tell who is who in these pictures (below) ???
It’s gonna be really hard to tell
jkjkjkjk… but we do look similar right? Oh and um, this was Alice’s first bath at home and she fit so perfectly in this bathroom sink it’s ridiculous. She is already growing out of it, unfortunately.
She is so tiny in her carseat too…
↓↓↓And here she is at 4 weeks old… not much different haha↓↓↓
One of these days we’ll get a great picture of her smile too. It. Is. Beautiful.