Spring is here, the sun is out, the snow is melting, and we’ve been spending time outside! Ames love love loves the swings at the park near our house. He is so cute in there kicking his feet and breathing so fast. This was his first time in a swing.
There is still quite a bit of snow to be melted though.
We had one final snowstorm on the second day of spring. They said it was our biggest one of the entire winter!? I made cookies and we definitely stayed inside that day.
…and because a few of my friends asked for it—here’s my recipe for peanut butter cookies:
Enough about the weather! Here’s some more randomness:
garlic that’s been growing away on my countertop. Gross, yet pretty?
Ames’ feet just keep growing, and my feet seem to be shrinking or something. Guess it’s time to go up a size in jammies!
imadeface… just silly, they don’t really look like us, I know
FHE (family home evening) with the family at our house. Do you think this baby is loved enough?
My annual rainbow egg
We sold our sofa so we could get a bigger one. It was funny driving around with a big sofa in the back. (we actually made $200 on this sofa since we originally bought it for half price! hehe I love kijiji)
TARGET IN CANADA!!! Not open yet, but it’s getting so close. I can't wait.