I've always told Air that I'm not the type of girl who cares about getting flowers. Well, because they just look pretty for a little while and then they die.
House Update
So I was at my regular doctor's appointment recently taking my heart rate. While the machine was squeezing my arm tight the nurse asked me how my last ultrasound went. Usually you're not supposed to talk or move when your heart rate is being taken, but I proceeded to tell her how disappointed I was that we didn't get to see the gender ...again!!!
Another Flat Stanley came to Canada from Utah!
This one comes from my nephew Gordon. The sweetest kid around!
His Flat Stanley had lots of fun as well!
he made friends:
made a snowman that looked just like him:
played the piano:
drove a car:
he got his own Easter egg twin:
and he played basketball:
Once again, I do this to try to convince my family to send me their REAL kids!!
Thanks for sending us Stanley, Gordon! Love you kiddo!
Gusa Easter Weekend 2012
One more thing.
It’s impossible to have a proper Easter without treats right??
That’s why I made Mud Hen Bars and Tessa made Bird’s Nests. Both found on Pinterest. Fun!
Hope your Easter was lovely!