Don’t you just love the sights, feelings and sounds surrounding Halloween? I do.
I do I do I DO!
This last month I keep saying to Air, “If we were in Utah we could be going to all kinds of awesome haunted houses”. Until I realized that Edmonton probably has that stuff too? Maybe I just don’t know where to find it?
And that’s when I googled it. There’s a lot of fun stuff going on here! But still, none of those fake crowded-haunted-house-tour type things that they have all over in the States. Weird huh? I loved going to those things every year—screaming and squeezing my friends the whole way through {I don’t know why I like that… it just sounds strange when I say it like that}.
And that’s when we received this spoooOOOoooky invitation in the mail:

We went to this on Friday night and had the most fun ever!!! AND we got to wear our costumes!
Here are some creepy pictures from the night:
We went with our “team” (our friends the Creightons) and found this black cauldron in our church parking lot with awesome rhyming clues in it:
One of the clues led us to the mental hospital, and another one to a grave yard:

A few of them led us down to the river:

And the final clue unveiled where our mysterious witch hostesses lived. So we went there and had an awesome party with some friends from our ward! It was such an excellent night!

Oh yeah, and we stopped at Tim Horton’s for some doughnuts. Dave and Jen’s Samson and Delilah costumes didn’t even phase the drive through person. haha

Tune in this weekend for the unveiling of our costumes!!