1. This macaroni casserole is representing the massive storm of cooking that Air and me have been brewing up in our awesome kitchen! I can't believe it - but I've actually been learning to cook! And I kinda like it! :) Air is really good, and he's been teaching me everything he knows. It's great!!
3. The next project was actually an Enrichment activity. I know that EVERYONE has one of these vinyl lettering ma-jigs in their home...... but...... now I have one too? haha
4. And here is the biggest project from the last few weeks! Since I'm on the enrichment committee I was in charge of decorations and games for our big RS Birthday enrichment last week. Our theme was Celebrate your "purse"onality... and.... it was AWESOME!! I made these purses out of paper for the centerpieces. Then we gave them out with prizes inside for the games.
(by the way, if you are also a fan of this type of movie I have some other suggestions for you to see!)